Fairlady – September 2012 Scans

Wednesday, Aug 22, 2012

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2 Comments on “Fairlady – September 2012 Scans”

  1. Hi Courteney, I am a big fan.. Really love you and would love to see you more on films and on TV. I have been wondering why both you and Jen (Aniston) have never changed your hair + look much. Don’t get me wrong, you both look as young as I have seen you first on the first Friends episode but I (as a fan) would like to see you in a more challenging looks and characters. I am sorry to say it is quite confusing to see you in Friends, Cougar Town and Dirt with similar look just different characters. (I want to watch all movies and tv programs that you are in) I saw your many beautiful pictures.. I just wish that your movie + TV characters can be as different and as beautiful as your still shots. Love your Fan in Indonesia :-)

  2. Coco is such a beautiful liltte girl! I do not like how this story has to mention Josh Hopkins though. I think that’s disrespectful since Courtney has squashed the rumors of their affair.

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