Cougar Town may not be the right title for Courteney Cox‘s hit comedy, but so be it.
Despite all the chatter that the show will be renamed, costar Dan Byrd tells me…
“I think it seemed like a very real possibility when we wrapped up the first season,” Byrd said last night at the Maui Film Festival screening of his flick Norman, in which he stars as a high schooler who pretends to have cancer. “But I think the problem they’ve run into is that they can’t come up with a better name to really justify doing that and the repercussions that come along with it.”
Perhaps it could be called The Show Formerly Known As Cougar Town?
“Yeah, and then we can just be a symbol,” Byrd cracked. “It could just be a picture of a paw.”
In other words, the name of the show isn’t going anywhere. Byrd said, “If I was a betting man—which I am, so I’m not sure why I just used that expression—I would say we’re probably going to stick with what we got.”