Courteney Cox: Jennifer Aniston Would Be an “Amazing” Director

Thursday, Apr 22, 2010

If Courteney Cox is your friend, she’ll not only be there for you, she’ll also have nice things to say about you as well. Especially if you’re Jennifer Aniston.

When asked about her BFF’s comments about wanting to work behind the camera, the Cougar Town actress tells E! News: “She’s already directed a short film [Room 10 costarring Robin Wright and Kris Kristofferson]. She’s amazing. It would be great.”

Jen recently revealed to The Sun: “I have a project in development I’m going to direct. After you get enough movies under your belt you sit back and go, ‘What’s next?’ It’s getting to a time where creatively I want to turn in a different direction.”

Of course, if Jen finds herself in need of a leading lady, we’re guessing she probably won’t have to look very far.
