Courteney Online is celebrating 5 years online today,what an amazing milestone! A lot of hard work has gone into the site during this time,and we are now the #1 fansource for all your Courteney needs.
I have two thankyous to make,firstly a huge thank you to Courteney herself for all of her being so amazing and making running this site an absolute pleasure! Secondly I’d like to thank our visitors,for visiting us daily and for the amount of support you give the site! You guys rock!
I’ve been planning on revamping the content pages for a while now,but havent gotten around to finishing it fully,there is a lot I still plan to stay tuned and I should hopefully have it finished soon. For now though,do check out the projects pages as I’ve added indepth info about each of Courteney’s projects,the Friends,Cougar Town etc pages have their own sections too complete with episode guides..the lot :)
We should hopefully have a new gallery layout coming sometime this month,and I also have a few awesome surprises up my sleeve..but more on those another time. Thanks again guys for continuing to visit the site :)
Congratulations and thankyou for all the awesome news you’ve brought us over the years :)
congratulations! one of the highlights at the end my day is coming to this site…i sincerely thank y-o-u for all your efforts.
thank you tommy :)